Star Wars Battlefront 2 Glitch
- Star Wars Battlefront 2 Download
- Star Wars Battlefront 2 Glitches
- Star Wars Battlefront 2 Points Glitch
Star Wars Battlefront II FAQs
All Cheats - Latest First. ALL Capital Ship Battles and ExplosionsAdded 22 Nov 2017, ID #1064. The video below is a montage taken from the different eras of the game showing you ALL the capital ship battles and explosions. From the Clone Wars Venator space battle, Super Star Destroyer crash to the First Order Finalizer. Hello, I wanted since a long time opening a topic where we could list all the glitches encountered in Battlefront 2. There is a video clip in each listed glitches. To start I found 4 glitches, and fell free to add others:-Duplicate Hero: This glitch allows you to have as many as the same hero/villain you want in your team in HvsV. HERO STARFIGHTERS. Hero Starfighters, July’s fresh PvP mode focused on piloting hero ships, is now available to all Star Wars™ Battlefront™ II players. We’ve compiled a list of five things you need to know to get a head start. Become a better pilot, upgrade your hero starfighters faster, and much more.
- Submitted by Shawn Vernier (SPV999)
- Submitted by Neil Stump
- Submitted by Neil Stump
- Submitted by DarthMarth
Star Wars Battlefront II Glitches
Star Wars Battlefront 2 Download
- PS2 Submitted by Brandon
To do this, choose a character on the dark side. Pick a guy that has force choke and saber throw or the lightning zap. When you go to the person you want to kill push L1 and then when you have little energy left press L2 to change to another attack like zapping him too. With this, you can even choke Wookies.
- Xbox Submitted by kitty kat cody
This only works with the villains who have choke. While choking anyone switch back to your secondary force power and they will continue choking until your opponent is dead or you let go of the L button.
- PSP Submitted by Darth Vader Rules!
Go to a command post then press the up arrow to go to the screen where you can select what kind of soldier you want to be then change then switch back to that other soldier you were then your ammo will be reloaded.
- PSP Submitted by Randy --- Star3Wars3
On Hoth, get the Remote Rocket Luancher form the award 'Dimolishon' and go to a ditch, when there, take the Remote Rocket Luancher and fire straight toward the wall (you may need to aim down a little) and it should go underground! I go down when I lunch it then go explore the map underground!
- PS2 Submitted by bionicpat1234
Mos Eisley, Assault
To do this glitch you must be Ayla or Darth Maul and have invincibility on. Behind the arena go to the 2 houses that overlap. Go to the inside corner than do a jump attack. You'll have to do this a couple of times than you'll fall down. Than run around and you'll find the edge of Mos Eisley. But be carefull even though you have invincibility on if you go out to far you'll die.
- PS2 Submitted by AP
Mos Eisley
Play the level Mos Eisley with Jedis vs. Sith. Play as good, and play as Chewbacca. Spawn in the hanger with the ship in it. Get back a few feet, sprint, and jump into the very tip of it. If you get stuck on the tip, respawn and Chewbacca starts spinning forever. You can put about five Chewbacca's spinning forever until the game ends. They release an unlimited number of health and ammo containers. This is a little bit hard to do. It shouldn't take more than eight tries.
- PC, PS2, Xbox Submitted by JoChang
At any time
On Polis Massa, choose the CIS. Be any droid. Take some other allies with you. Go out to the asteroid's surface. Since droids do not breathe, the vacuum of space does not affect them. They will start singing some weird song for about 7 seconds. This works only if you are a Separatist droid and you're on Polis Massa.
- PC, PS2, Xbox Submitted by Darthmaulkid13
Go to Mos Eisily Assult
Be Anikan Skywalker. Switch your secondary weapons to force choke. Just like you would with the force lightining/force choke cheat, force choke your enemy and switch your secondary weapon to saber throw and you will force choke your enemy without using up your stamina.(Be sure not to get hit in the process or it will stop.)
- PS2 Submitted by Bobby
Play on Tatooine in Assault Mode (where Heros and Villains clash together) on the Villain side as Jango Fett or Boba Fett, and fly (with full jetpack fuel) to the sky of the southern most wal, south of the broken ship, and wait for yourself to land ontop of a glich (and be sure not to go where it says 'Leaving Battlefield'). When you find yourself standing ontop of nothing, run east until you fall in a crack, then wait a few seconds, and you'll be falling, but going nowhere! To get out, just use your jetpack, and fly backwards.
- PS2 Submitted by CoolDeal5 and Alp80123
To Walk on the edge of your ship you must be fighting or playing as the Republic. Fly your ship so that half of your ship is inside the republic hangar and half of your ship is outside. Get out of your ship and you will be on the edge of your ship. If you want to walk on an asteroid get into a space battle over Dagobah and jump off the edge of your ship. If you aim where you fall by moving the left analog stick. You could land on an asteroid.
- PS2 Submitted by Garrett Moretta
To use the cheat codes found on this page in splitscreen mode first play a single player instant action mission with the desired codes. when you finish the level wait for the choose faction screen to appear. press start and quit the level. when you get to the main menu, do not change profiles! go to split screen and select the levels you want to play. When the level starts you should have the codes activated.
- PS2 Submitted by Sam Brown
This glitch can only be reached with a jetpack so my advise would be to pick Jango Fett in assult mode. First you must choose Mos Eisley and pick assult mode. Then choose villians, choose Jango Fett and choose the southern-most command post. then you must stand directly south of the giant wrecked ship and face it. Then with a full jet pack you must fly as high and as backwawrds as you can possably go. Then take out your precision pistol and just fire away once you get up there. Stand as close to the edge as you can so it doesnt say LEAVING BATTLEFIELD.
- Xbox Submitted by A.J Mountain
On the imperial Star Destroyer
When you are fighting in a space battle, and if you are on the Empire team, you can walk outside of your ship. The way you do it is get on the slowest TIE ship, (the TIE Bomber) then right before you get your whole ship out of the force field, land your ship, you can then walk in space!
- Xbox Submitted by The Emperor
This only works if you are Anakin or Darth Vader. First start out with Force Choke. Then while still holding Force Choke, switch over to Saber Throw, and press L. It will choke them and throw your saber at the same time!
- Xbox Submitted by The Emperor
This only works if you are playing as Count Dooku or the Emperor. First start using Force Lightning and while using Force Lightning switch over to Force Choke and you will shock them and choke them at the same time doing double the damage without losing any extra stamina!
- PS2 Submitted by annonymous
While playing on Polis Massa, be either the Separatists or enter invincibility. Go outside of the airlock and go to the forcefield near Command Post 1. Go to the left of the gate, and walk up slowly. When you can't go any further, go diagnally to the right. Eventually, you will be outside the crater. Head to the left and keep walking around the crater. There are invisible walls to stop you, but keep moving out to avoid them. You can jump down underneath the medical complex. If you are a droideka, you can wheel fully underneath the complex and go into walking mode. In walking mode, you can shoot at people inside or capture command posts. Go back into wheel mode and you can move again.
- Xbox Submitted by Boba Fett
Go to Kamino and be the CIS. When you are Jango Fett go to the center big room in the clones biggest base. Use your jet-pack and jet-pack through the place or point where the ceiling and the wall connect.
- PS2 Submitted by gl,
If you park your ship on the very edge of the it will fall if you get out you can walk on the side of the ship but if you go to far your ship will blow up.
- PS2 Submitted by z dude
Be the emperor or count dooku and do force choke and switch to force shock and hold L1. You'll be choking and shocking at the same time till they die.
- PS2 Submitted by who cares Yo!
Jabba's palace
If you stand on Jabba no one will fire at you. Stand on top of him - very hard but worth it!
- Xbox Submitted by AJ Mountain
Imperial Star Destroyer
Get into the TIE bomber and take-off. Right before your ship is fully out of the forcefield land. You can then walk in space!
- PC Submitted by KamikazeKow
Be Heroes and choose Yoda. Next, take Yoda to a building with a tarp over a box. Stand in front of the box so it smushes you against the wall. Then, start jumping over and over again. It takes about 4 jumps, but could take a couple of tries. Then Yoda is free to roam around the inside of a building. This can only be done with Yoda!!!
- PC Submitted by KamikazeKow
First pick someone with choke, like Anikan. Then choke someone. While choking, switch to the second secondary weapon (saber throw, lightning). If you choose saber throw, it will result in infinite choke. If you choose lightning, it mixes lightning with choke = a lot of damage.
Star Wars Battlefront 2 Glitches
Star Wars Battlefront II Hints
- PSP Submitted by Why do u care?
To unlock Tarful you have to kill Grevious 4 times on the Clone Wars and as you have done that you can keep on playing. Next time you play it you will be Tarful.
- PS2 Submitted by DanTheManAnderson
Mos Eisley
If you are playing at Mos Eisley and are playing assault mode (Mos Eisley is the only place where you can play assault mode: only Jedi's) then be the Evil. Anikin, Darth Vader, and Count Doukou all have force choke as their second force move. Switch to that and use force choke on anybody when you get in range. Hold it as you walk up to them because they cannot move then. When you are right in front of them, just start slashing them with your light saber and before they can recover from force choke, they are dead every time.
- PS2 Submitted by mummy2
A lot of good hiding places are on Kashyyyk, but you'll be practically untouchable here. When you play on Kashyyyk, to be able to get here you need a person with a jetpack. On the CIS side or the empire side of the field, there will be 3 or 4 platforms , which is a good place for sniping, but instead go to the spot where there is a walkway to the first platform. Look around there and you'll see some rocks. Get onto the biggest rock and look around in the air. You'll see some more platforms. Use your jetpack to get onto the first platform, and you'll see a walkway going into a tree. There will be a branch sticking out you can jump on. When you do, you can either keep going up the branch, or you can get on the platform under that. If you get on the platform, there will be a walkway to another one, and that's the last one you can go to. If you stay on the branch you can go as far up the branch as you can then just hide there the rest of the time.
- PS2 Submitted by thestarwarsgod
Go to Rise of the Empire in single player mode and beat the levels before you get to Felucia. When you get to Felucia, get the Heavy trooper and try to get an Ackay chasing you. If one starts to chasing you, Get your mines and drop one in it's path. When it hits one, it will die. (Be sure you have ammo or it will kill YOU.)
- PS2 Submitted by Kornbread
Instant Action,Galactic Conquest,
Aalyaa Secura-Jabba's Palace,Felucia
Boba Fett-Yavin 4,Utapau,Kashyyyk,Mos Eisley, Kamino,Felucia,Jabba's Palace
Chewbacca-Yavin 4,Utapau,Kashyyyk,Felucia
Darth Maul-Jabba's Palace,Mos Eisley,Yavin 4, Mustafar,Polis Massa,Coruscant,Naboo
Count Dooku-Geonosis
Darth Vader-Dagobah,Tantive IV,Hoth,Endor
The Emporer-Death Star,Naboo,Polis Massa, Coruscant
Obi-Wan-Utapau,Death Star,Naboo,Mustafar,Kamino, Mos Eisley
Yoda-Tantive IV,Polis Massa,Kashyyyk,Dagobah
General Grievous-Utapau,Tantive IV,Mygeeto, Dagobah
Han Solo-Mos Eisley,Kamino,Endor
Princess Leia-Tantive IV,Polis Massa,Naboo
Mace Windu-Yavin 4,Geonosis,Coruscant
Jango Fett-Kashyyyk,Kamino,Felucia
Luke-Mygeeto,Coruscant,Hoth,Jabba's Palace, Death Star
Ki Adi Mundi-Mygeeto - PS2 Submitted by quigonn101
Level 5 on Rise of the Empire mode: On level 5, you play on Kashyyyk, the ocean and forest world, home of the Wookiees. First, spawn at command post 1 as a heavy trooper. Then, run to command post 2 and defend it for 3 minutes. Use your rocket launcher to destroy armored tank droids and spider walkers. If you see someone driving a TX-130 on your way, hop in it and use it instead. Once the timer is down to 0, press the triangle button when you are standing at command post 2, ( if you are in a TX-130, you will be able to do it when you hop out) and switch to the clone engineer. Run up to command post 3 and defend the oil refinery for 4 minutes. The easiest way to do this is take out your fusion cutter, run to the gate winch and hold down the R1 button to repair it. Continue to hold it down so that no vehicles can get into the base. Do this until the timer gets to 0. Then, you can play as Jedi Master Yoda. Capture all 4 of the enemy command posts. Use your lightsaber to kill the enemies. Once you have captured all of the command posts, you have beat the level!
- PS2 Submitted by quigonn101
Level 3 on Rise of the Empire mode: On level 3 you play on Felucia, the fungal world. First, spawn as a heavy trooper at command post 1. You have to run to the broken AT-TE (All Terrain-Tactical Enforcer) at commmand post 2. Then, you have to kill 6 Acklay (they are monsters with long legs). Shoot them with your Rocket launcher. Be careful - they can kill you in 1 stab. Then you have to defend the AT-TE for 2 minutes. Then you can be Jedi Knight Aayla Secura. Then go south of command post 2 and you will see a broken Republic Gunship. Get the battery next to it and take it to the AT-TE to make the AT-TE run again. Then destroy the 5 defense turrets to the west of command post 2. Now you have beat the level!
- PS2 Submitted by quigonn101
Level 1 on Rise of the Empire mode: Warning: Be careful not to walk off the platform on this level, or you will die. On level 1 you play on Mygeeto, the crystal world. Here is what to do: Spawn as a heavy trooper at one of the command posts. You are supposed to get to the command post 3 and capture it. On the way you will see an AT-RT walker( All Terrain-Recon Transport). Hop in it and drive it to the post. You will have to get out to capture it. If enemies try to shoot you, get in it and shoot them. If so, get out again and capture it. Then, hop in it again and shoot the particle cannons with the grenades on it. Then you can be Jedi Master Ki-Adi-Mundi. Destroy the shield generator with your lightsaber. Then you capture command post 5. If enemies try to shoot you, kill them. Then you have to destroy the energy core shield generators to get into the energy core. ( I usually force jump through a hole in the energy core building so you do not have to destroy the generators.) Then you get the core samples and run back to command posts 1 and 2. You will see a Republic Gunship waiting for you. Run up and get next to it and you have beat the level!
- PS2 Submitted by gamer551
Death Star
Go to instant action and play on the Death Star. Be the good guys (republic or rebels) and start by being a trooper. Start at CP number 4 and clear your way to CP number 3, in full view of the tunnel entrance. Don't take over the CP, but instead throw thermal detonators into the tunnel to destroy many enemies. After 2 or 3 detonators are thrown, you should be able to play as a special character. NOW take over CP number 3 and jump into the tunnel, destroy all units in your path, and take over CP number 2. Make your way to CP number 1 and destroy all enemy units in you path and by the CP. You shold be close to winning by loss of enemies, but if not, take over the CP. If you have done this swiftly enough, you should win easily!
- PC, PS2, Xbox Submitted by Darth_Omnis
Be the Trooper with the shot gun and remote detanators. If there is a destroyer droid causing your troops trouble, just run up to the sheilded droid and toss the detanator under him, then run to a safe location and detonate. The Droideka should explode.
- PC, PS2, Xbox Submitted by quigonn101
When you are playing on the snow planet, you can destroy AT-ATs by being the Vanguard and dropping mines.
- PS2 Submitted by Packattack
When fighting in Hoth select your side as the Rebels. Spawn in the back command post with the snowspeeders. Don't get into a speeder, but go outside. Walk northwest, eventually you should see a dish turret. Get in and zoom towards the direction of empirial comand posts. You should see AT-ATs. Fire at them, don't charge it but keep rapidly tapping R1. By the time they get near shooting distance of your sheild generator you will have destroyed them. After you kill bothe ATs get out of the turret and kill empirial snowtroopers until more AT's come, then do it all over again.
- PS2 Submitted by Clayton Pace
Utapau: Rise of The Empire
To kill Grevious the easy way, follow my instructions. First, take that command post in the Utapau hanger. Then after you do that, Grevious will apper on the far side of the hanger. BUT... to beat him easily, after you take that CP, run to the far side of the hanger and wait for Grevious to appear. When he does, just force push him off the cliff behind him. So easy, isn't it?
- PC Submitted by Autovonsnitzelpusscrakenashagmire
Any level where you are a droideka.
First join the CIS and be a Droideka. Next sprint in wheel form next to a wall. This makes the droideka breakdance.
- PSP Submitted by btlfrntmstr
Fly into the middle of the CIS control bridge in space battle. You will be inside the ship and you will see three objects on one side of the hangar(you only see the outer walls of it). Slow down and shoot them a lot until they are destroyed. This will give you a lot of points(that number at the top of the screen that tells you when you win).
- Xbox Submitted by Someone who has way too much time on the
Your character should be the pilot. Get into any ship and land it inside the enemy hanger, then jump on any of the enemy ships (Y-Wings are the easiest to get on) and wait for an enemy pilot to come and get into the ship. Lay a time bomb right away (or even just before he gets in) and jump off quickly or you'll run into the force field and get hurt. Then stand back and watch the enemy ship blow up!
- Xbox Submitted by dax johnson
Be the Empire or CIS and get a speeder bike. Look to the right of where you got the bike, and you will see a tall tree. Head over to the tree and ride up the slanted part and you will see a bridge heading to a big platform. When you're there, rip it up.
- PS2 Submitted by Christopher
When going to destroy the core in Mygeeto, instead of destroying the shield generators....go straight to the first door and jump through a hole in the top of the door. This will enable you to get to the core quicker and easier.
- Xbox Submitted by Tman
AT-AT, anywhere on the neck
AT-TE: underneath the head or neck
Laser Tank: the black part behind it
Hailfire Tank: the middle between the wheels
CIS Wheel Tank: none
Spider Tanks: both lasers
Harpoon Fighter: the black part behind it
AT-ST: the thing below the head
Speeder Bike: behind it - Xbox Submitted by Action Jackson
The following are a few ways the Great Action Jackson has discovered for getting medals to legendary status:
Gunslinger: Repeatedly do space battles in instant action
Frenzy: Repeatedly do normal conquests in instant action
Regulator: See frenzy
Demolition: Play the rebels repeatedly on the battle of hoth and fire rockets at the AT ATs (the neck)
Technician: repeatedly do the battle of naboo as the droids, slicing the AT RTs
Guardian: Amass kills and points in vehicles
War Hero: See Guardian
Endurance: See Guardian
Marksman: Use the assassin droid (the clones have the biggest heads) - Xbox Submitted by Gamewolf
This only works if you're The Emperor or Count Dooku. First, use Force Choke on someone. Then switch to Force Lightning while still using Force Choke and the person will be choked AND get shocked at the same time.
- Xbox Submitted by MrMarshmello
In instant action, change the hero settings to:
Hero On
Mode Points
No. Points 1
Time Always - PC Submitted by hey 'sup
In instant action there is an option along the side called 'hero'. Go to it and set it to points needed 1 and respawn time 'always'.
- PC, PS2 Submitted by Phil Ringel
The center command post is always a good offensive position.
Use your units' advantages. If you are facing a lot of enemies, use the trooper unit. If you are up against vehicles, use heavy weapons.
Use the right unit for the right level. For example, use an engineer for lots of turrets/vehicles. Use snipes for high places with little cover below.
Always keep moving, because if you stop, you are a prime target for snipers.
Use vehicles a lot, as they keep you safe, you get lots of points with them, and some are much faster than walking.
When in vehicles, fill them up. The more weapons you can have going at once, the better.
Kill the most threatening units first. For example, if in a vehicle, take out the heavy weapons units.
Check out an area before you go into battle, so you see the turrets and other dangerous areas.
Use tactics, as charging into battle usually does not work.
Use cover a lot, such as rocks, logs, walls, water, and even grass.
If you are taking a CP, try to stand next to a health droid.
If you are having trouble defeating enemies, try to take out the enemy in ones and twos. This will get you a lot further, and you will come out with a lot more health.
If you are finding something difficult, play on the Hard difficulty setting for a few battles. When change back the difficulty setting, things should seem a bit easier.
Take allies with you wherever you go. Allies = firepower = enemies die = easy CP's = you win. - PC Submitted by alphonso311
The hero characters can be found at the following locations. Note: You can only unlock these characters by completing side tasks in Campaign mode:
Aayla Secura: Felucia: Fungi Forest, Jabba's Palace
Anakin Skywalker: Mustafar: Refinery
Boba Fett: Kashyyyk: Beachhead, Utapau: Sinkhole, Mygeeto: War-Torn City, Felucia: Fungi Forest, Yavin 4: Temple, Jabba's Palace
Chewbacca: Kashyyyk: Beachhead, Felucia: Fungi Forest, Yavin 4: Temple
Count Dooku: Geonosis: Dust Plains
Darth Maul: Coruscant: Jedi Temple, Mustafar: Refinery, Jabba's Palace
Darth Vader: Tantive IV: Interior, Coruscant: Jedi Temple, Dagobah, Naboo: Theed, Hoth: Echo Base
Emperor: Polis Massa: Medical Facility, Naboo: Theed, Death Star: Interior
General Grievous: Tantive IV: Interior, Utapau: Sinkhole, Polis Massa: Medical Facility, Dagobah, Mygeeto: War-Torn City
Han Solo: Utapau: Sinkhole, Polis Massa: Medical Facility
Jango Fett: Kashyyyk: Beachhead, Felucia: Fungi Forest, Yavin 4: Temple
Ki-Adi-Mundi: Mygeeto: War-Torn City
Luke Skywalker: Coruscant: Jedi Temple, Mygeeto: War-Torn City, Jabba's Palace, Death Star: Interior, Hoth: Echo Base
Mace Windu: Geonosis: Dust Plains, Coruscant: Jedi Temple, Yavin 4: Temple, Death Star Interior
Obi-Wan: Utapau: Sinkhole, Mustafar: Refinery, Naboo: Naboo: Naboo: Theed
Princess Leia: Tantive IV: Interior, Naboo: Naboo: Theed
Yoda: Kashyyyk: Beachhead, Tantive IV: Interior, Polis Massa: Medical Facility, Dagobah - PS2, Xbox Submitted by andrew
To be a hero look on the bottom of the screen and sometimes you will see hero icon. Press left on the directional pad and choose a base to spawn as that hero.
- PS2 Submitted by Phil Ringel
The center command post is always a good offensive position.
Use your units' advantages. If you are facing a lot of enemies, use the trooper unit. If you are up against vehicles, use heavy weapons.
Use the right unit for the right level. For example, use an engineer for lots of turrets/vehicles. Use snipes for high places with little cover below.
Always keep moving, because if you stop, you are a prime target for snipers.
Use vehicles a lot, as they keep you safe, you get lots of points with them, and some are much faster than walking.
When in vehicles, fill them up. The more weapons you can have going at once, the better.
Kill the most threatening units first. For example, if in a vehicle, take out the heavy weapons units.
Check out an area before you go into battle, so you see the turrets and other dangerous areas.
Use tactics, as charging into battle usually does not work.
Use cover a lot, such as rocks, logs, walls, water, and even grass.
If you are taking a CP, try to stand next to a health droid.
If you are having trouble defeating enemies, try to take out the enemy in ones and twos. This will get you a lot further, and you will come out with a lot more health.
If you are finding something difficult, play on the Hard difficulty setting for a few battles. When change back the difficulty setting, things should seem a bit easier.
Take allies with you wherever you go. Allies = firepower = enemies die = easy CP's = you win. - PS2, Xbox Submitted by alphonso311
The hero characters can be found at the following locations. Note: You can only unlock these characters by completing side tasks in Campaign mode:
Aayla Secura: Felucia: Fungi Forest, Jabba's Palace
Anakin Skywalker: Mustafar: Refinery
Boba Fett: Kashyyyk: Beachhead, Utapau: Sinkhole, Mygeeto: War-Torn City, Felucia: Fungi Forest, Yavin 4: Temple, Jabba's Palace
Chewbacca: Kashyyyk: Beachhead, Felucia: Fungi Forest, Yavin 4: Temple
Count Dooku: Geonosis: Dust Plains
Darth Maul: Coruscant: Jedi Temple, Mustafar: Refinery, Jabba's Palace
Darth Vader: Tantive IV: Interior, Coruscant: Jedi Temple, Dagobah, Naboo: Theed, Hoth: Echo Base
Emperor: Polis Massa: Medical Facility, Naboo: Theed, Death Star: Interior
General Grievous: Tantive IV: Interior, Utapau: Sinkhole, Polis Massa: Medical Facility, Dagobah, Mygeeto: War-Torn City
Han Solo: Utapau: Sinkhole, Polis Massa: Medical Facility
Jango Fett: Kashyyyk: Beachhead, Felucia: Fungi Forest, Yavin 4: Temple
Ki-Adi-Mundi: Mygeeto: War-Torn City
Luke Skywalker: Coruscant: Jedi Temple, Mygeeto: War-Torn City, Jabba's Palace, Death Star: Interior, Hoth: Echo Base
Mace Windu: Geonosis: Dust Plains, Coruscant: Jedi Temple, Yavin 4: Temple, Death Star Interior
Obi-Wan: Utapau: Sinkhole, Mustafar: Refinery, Naboo: Naboo: Naboo: Theed
Princess Leia: Tantive IV: Interior, Naboo: Naboo: Theed
Yoda: Kashyyyk: Beachhead, Tantive IV: Interior, Polis Massa: Medical Facility, Dagobah - Xbox Submitted by GamesRadar
The center command post is always a good offensive position.
Use your units' advantages. If you are facing a lot of enemies, use the trooper unit. If you are up against vehicles, use heavy weapons.
Use the right unit for the right level. For example, use an engineer for lots of turrets/vehicles. Use snipes for high places with little cover below.
Always keep moving, because if you stop, you are a prime target for snipers.
Use vehicles a lot, as they keep you safe, you get lots of points with them, and some are much faster than walking.
When in vehicles, fill them up. The more weapons you can have going at once, the better.
Kill the most threatening units first. For example, if in a vehicle, take out the heavy weapons units.
Check out an area before you go into battle, so you see the turrets and other dangerous areas.
Use tactics, as charging into battle usually does not work.
Use cover a lot, such as rocks, logs, walls, water, and even grass.
If you are taking a CP, try to stand next to a health droid.
If you are having trouble defeating enemies, try to take out the enemy in ones and twos. This will get you a lot further, and you will come out with a lot more health.
If you are finding something difficult, play on the Hard difficulty setting for a few battles. When change back the difficulty setting, things should seem a bit easier.
Take allies with you wherever you go. Allies = firepower = enemies die = easy CP's = you win.
Star Wars Battlefront II Cheats
Star Wars Battlefront 2 Points Glitch
- PC, PS2, Xbox Submitted by the champ
Simply pause the game and type in the code to turn it on. Single-player only!
U, U, U, U, U, U, X, X, X, U, D, R, U, X, X, X, L
- PSP Submitted by Super8 Samurai
Simply pause the game and type in the code to turn it on. Single-player only!
Down, Down, Down, Up, Up, Left, Down, Down, Down, Down, Down, Left, Up, Up, Up, Left
- PSP Submitted by Super8 Samurai
Simply pause the game and type in the code to turn it on. Single-player only!
Up, Down, Left, Down, Left, Right
- PSP Submitted by Super8 Samurai
Simply pause the game and type in the code to turn it on. Single or multiplayer!
Up, Up, Up, Up, Left, Up, Up, Down, Left, Down, Up, Up, Left, Right
- PSP Submitted by Super8 Samurai
Simply pause the game and type in the code to turn it on. Single-player only!
Up, Up, Up, Left, U, Down, Up, Up, Left, Down, Down, Down, Left, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right
- PSP Submitted by Super8 Samurai
Simply pause the game and type in the code to turn it on. Single-player only!
Up, Down, Left, Down, Down, Left, Down, Down, Left, Down, Down, Down, Left, Right
- PSP Submitted by Super8 Samurai
Simply pause the game and type in the code to turn it on. Single-player only!
Up, Up, Up, Left, Down, Down, Down, Left, Up, Up, Up, Left, Right
- PC Submitted by andrew
To be a hero look on the bottom of the screen and sometimes you will see hero icon. Press left on the directional pad and choose a base to spawn as that hero.
- PC, PS2, Xbox Submitted by Super8 Samurai
Simply pause the game and type in the code to turn it on. Single-player only!
U, U, U, L, U, D, U, U, L, D, D, D, L, U, D, D, L, R
- PC, PS2, Xbox Submitted by Super8 Samurai
Simply pause the game and type in the code to turn it on. Single or multiplayer!
U, U, U, U, L, U, U, D, L, D, U, U, L, R
- PC, PS2, Xbox Submitted by Super8 Samurai
Simply pause the game and type in the code to turn it on. Single-player only!
U, D, L, D, L, R
- PC, PS2, Xbox Submitted by Super8 Samurai
Simply pause the game and type in the code to turn it on. Single-player only!
U, U, U, L, D, D, D, L, U, U, U, L, R
- PC, PS2, Xbox Submitted by Super8 Samurai
Simply pause the game and type in the code to turn it on. Single-player only!
D, D, D, U, U, L, D, D, D, D, D, L, U, U, U, L
- PC, PS2, Xbox Submitted by Super8 Samurai
Simply pause the game and type in the code to turn it on. Single-player only!
U, D, L, D, D, L, D, D, L, D, D, D, L, R
- Xbox Submitted by GamesRadar
In the BF2 cheats U, D, L, R refer to directions on the d-pad.
- PS2 Submitted by GamesRadar
In the BF2 cheat codes U, D, L, and R refer to directions on the d-pad.
- PS2 Submitted by anonymous
Try pressing Square, Circle, Square, Circle and you might get all the levels unlocked like in the first Battlefront.
Star Wars Battlefront II Unlockables
- PC, PS2, PSP, Xbox Submitted by Anonymous
You must earn these awards at least 4 times:
Frenzy Award: Elite Rifle - 12 kills with Blaster Rifle
Marksman Award: Beam Rifle - 6 headshots with Sniper Rifle
Regulator Award: Flechette Shotgun - 8 kills with Shotgun
Gunslinger Award: Percussion Pistol - 6 kills with blaster pistol