How To Use Math Input Panel
I am doing a project in C# where users may specify an equation and have the app solve it. I want to use the Math Input Panel for the user to specify the equation, but the problem is that I dont know how to render the equation in the WPF app after the user presses Insert, since normal textboxes and textblocks wont display it.
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I have read up thoroughly on how I need to do this, but have come up short. I realize that I need my app to support MathML so that the equation can be displayed, but that's just it.. How do I make my app support MathML so that I can display it?!
Using the Math Input Panel on Windows 7. Richard Fateman March 11, 2010. Experiments using an accessory graphics tablet (Wacom Cintiq). These are screen clips from interactions in which the “recognized result” is in the small panel in the upper left. The large panel with handwriting in it is my attempt to write some math.
So basically the user will see the equation that he has just written with the Math Input panel, and then I want to convert (behind the scenes) the equation to MathML so that I can write a parser to solve it.
Thanks in advance.. I'm really desperate ;)
2 Answers
There will be, see Murray's post about the rich edit control in windows 8
The other thing I’d like to point out in this post is that the new RichEdit supports math editing and display!
David CarlisleDavid CarlisleI just want to post my answer for clearity.
I read somewhere that you can display an equation using a browser control, but Internet Explorer doesn't support MathML. For this reason, I tried to figure out if there was some kind of other browser control (like a firefox version) that i could use. After trying and failing at that, I stumbled upon MathPlayer from
MathPlayer adds MathML support to IE en because of that, I was able to render equations in WPF using the browser control and style it using CSS.
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Math Input panel that is integrated in new Windows 7 is very useful tool, I wonder where it can be used.
It can be probably used in Microsoft Office, but are there any other applications that support it?
I've tried WordPad, OpenOffice, and I think none of them work. It would be great if there was some free application that can use these equations or even some application that can export it as LaTeX, MathML or OpenOffice equations.
Is there any use for this application outside the Microsoft Office?
closed as not constructive by James Mertz, Diogo, Gaff, user3463, alexAug 14 '12 at 11:46
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2 Answers
Theoretically, any app that supports MathML (Mathematical Markup Language) can be used with the Windows 7 Math Input Panel. The Math Input Panel only works with programs that support MathML. Here are a few such apps: StarOffice, OpenOffice, Opera and Maple.
I wrote a program that converts the MathML output into LaTeX.Only by clicking 'Insert' you will get the LaTeX into my Editor.