Master Of Orion Spies

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This is Master of Orion 3, The Master MOD. It contains new ai which builds ships based off their current tech instead of preset ships. All resolutions of the ships have been improved, the weapons have all been changed to a better quality and seems more intense. It's a brand new experience altogether. (From the official Master of Orion: Conquer the Stars Art Book) The Hindmost of the Darlok Cabal is a master among the peerless spies of the galaxy. The Hindmost is tasked with making the final call in acts of galactic subterfuge and must also pay the price if the Darlok agendas are uncovered. It seems like if one doesn't want to kill an opponent's spies (cause maybe their opponents are good people on the inside and not completely rotten to the core?), it's more logical to bargain for the release of the spy. At least with a trade, you get something for all the times that they succeed at.

Spying is one of the most important areas of the game to master.It is probably one of the hardest areas to master as well.

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If you are able to infiltrate a spy into the enemy's empire, youinstantly get a completely up to date listing of everything theyhave researched so far in the game.

Again, as in G.I. Joe, knowing is half the battle. If you knowwhat they have, that is the first step in preparing to meet it inspace combat.

This advantage may not sound like much, but it is – especiallywhen you don't have to pay much to get it.

Speaking of not paying much to get it, the cost is fixed for theentire game. Early in the game it will take a lot more of yourproduction (in percentage terms) to train and insert one spy thanit will at the end of the game.

Spy spending is done on the basis of a percentage of galacticresources. Each click on the slider bar is 4% of the bar and theinfiltration bar for each race goes from 0% to 10% of galacticresources. It is not possible in the game to try to spend more than10% of the combined resources of all your planets to try and insertspies into a single enemy empire.

It is, however, possible that you spend the whole 10% for eachenemy race you have met. You are potentially able to spend morethan 50% of your entire resource base to try to insert spies if youwant to, but it is highly suggested that you do not do this.

Master Of Orion 3 Spies

Note: There is a defensive spying bar that ranges from 0% to 20%of total planetary resources. Spending in this bar adds double thepercent spent to your defensive spying rolls. If you spend 10% ofyour resources here you gain a + 20 to your defensive spying rollsthat turn.

Each of these bars has the potential to seriously seriously dragdown your economy, so think very hard about how much you spend onthem.

Some pros find that it is the best idea to pretty much alwaysput one and only one click into the spy bars of each race that youhave relations with at all times. Usually, this will allow you toget spies inserted often enough to stay relatively current on allof the races and even if you know 5 races the total spying expenseswould only be 2% of your total resource base.

To explain why this is, it would be a good idea to learn alittle bit more about how the spying system works.

Essentially, it works like this:

Instead of spies, it helps to think of your agents more ashackers, because that is what they really are. They are agents yourgovernment sponsors that try to steal technology 'over the wire'.Everything they do is done by computers.

The things they can do are:

  1. Hide - They will crack someone's name/passwordin the enemy empire and just use that information to look aroundinside their systems and get a general idea of what is going on.They won't attempt to do anything that might get them caught. Aslong as they don't they are unlikely to actually get caught.
  2. Sabotage - They will try to gain access to theremote mainframes of enemy factories and defensive locations andthey will try to hit the 'self destruct' button remotely across thegalactic internet. Sometimes they will succeed and the results willbe the complete destruction of some of the enemy's facilities. Bydoing this, they are very much more likely to be caught and to havetheir access removed, ending the spy's access to the enemy'snetwork.
  3. Espionage - They will try to hack into theenemy's research network and download the schematics for theenemy's technological advancements. The enemy has differentresearch networks for each research type, and they don't have muchtime once they get in so you have to make a split second call aboutwhich research network to infiltrate and the hacker will just tryto take anything they can get their hands on as part of thatnetwork. They will always get something you don't have, but thereis no telling what that will be until the schematic is analyzed onthe inside. Essentially, you show them blueprints of whattechnologies not to get, and they just get the first thing they seethat is completely unlike that stuff you showed them. If even theydo this, it is highly likely that they will get caught and havetheir access removed.

If you tell your hackers to try to do #2 or #3 once they get in,they will attempt to cover their tracks as best they can on the wayout, by deleting or altering logs, but sometimes they will betraced before they can do so, if they are it is quite easy to tell,for the enemy empire, where the spy originated.

On the other hand, spies can have 'critical successes' as well.Sometimes the spy will not only be able to completely cover theirtracks, but instead of deleting the logs the hacker will alter themso that it looks like another race did the act and then essentiallylet themselves get caught, ensuring that the 'tracks' are found andthat the relationship between the two foreign empires involved aredirectly harmed.

Master Of Orion Spies Movie

As with everything else in this game, the results are governedby random rolls and associated modifiers. More specifically, thespying roll formula is:

Random Roll 1 to 100 minus your Computers research technologylevel plus their Computers research technology level.

In the above equation, you want the number to be as low aspossible, preferably below zero. To consistently succeed you wantto have as large of a lead in Computers compared to the enemy aspossible. If you are able to get technology level 40 in computerswhile your enemy is only at technology level 20, you get + 20 toall your spying rolls. The same thing applies if you can get totech level 60 when they are only at tech level 40. The relativedifference is the only thing that matters.

It goes backwards as well, if they have higher than you, it isgoing to be very hard for you to have any measurable success at allin terms of spying. If getting a number below zero is what you hopefor, you can't hope for too much if your lowest roll possible is a1 and then there is an addition to the roll rather than asubtraction.

The chart that determines the results of this roll is thefollowing

1 to 30 No Yes class='table-no2' No
RollDiscover StatusSuccessAccess Removed
0 or lessNoYes and Possible FrameNo
31 to 50YesYesNo
51 to 70NoNoNo
71 to 99YesNoYes
100+YesNoAll Spies Fail

Master Of Orion Wiki

When reading the chart, you will notice that a successfulmission can only happen if the result on the roll is 50 or less(the only two entries with a 'Yes' in the Success column are thethree highest on the chart).

The rolls of 71 or higher always result in the access beingremoved and rolls of 70 or below never do.

Note: The access column under 'access removed' for 100+ is 'AllSpies Fail'. This doesn't mean all of their accesses get removed,just that the one caught is removed and no spies get any successthat year (if you have multiple infiltrated at the same time).

If any spies score a 'yes' under success during the year (thatgame turn) they get to make a second roll on the followingchart:

  • 0 to 84: Got something, but it wasn't usefulor the self destruct sequence was successfully aborted. Trackscovered successfully.
  • 85 to 99: Succeeded. Either tech was stolensuccessfully or the self destruct of the facilities completed,rendering them useless. Tracks covered successfully.
  • 100+: Successful mission andsuccessful framing effort. Enemy relations worsened between chosenempires.

This roll is governed by a roll of 1 to 100 plus your computertech level. Basically, this means that any success at all is muchmore likely to result in a successful mission more and more oftenas the game goes along. If you make it to level 99 computertechnology, every single time you get south of 0 on the first rollyou will get a successful frame on the second roll. If youget any roll south of 50 on the first roll and you have at leastlevel 84 in computers, you can't possibly fail to have a successfulmission on the second roll.

These numbers aren't easy to get to, by any stretch, but I wantto clearly point out the difference between these two separaterolls. The first roll is always opposed. If the enemy has highertech than you then you are quite likely to fail and you fail moreevery time they widen the gap, and vice versa. The second chart,however, always gets better as the game goes on. There is nothingopposed about it, you just experience greater and greater successpercentages as the game goes along.

Spying at the end of the game, with the way these charts aredesigned, is always more successful than spying early on.

This coincides perfectly well with the percentage of resourcesrequired to insert a spy in the first place.

Specifically, the cost to insert an agent is the same all thetime, and it gets easier and easier to pay as the game goes along.As the relative cost to spy goes down, the relative chance ofsuccess goes up.

This brings you back around to why it is useful to always have 1tick in the spy bar for each race all the time and never to changeit.

At the beginning of the game, that one tick won't buy you awhole lot, but even if you succeed you probably won't get anythingof note anyway, so its not worth spending a whole lot to insertmore spies at this stage of the game anyway. If you get one spy inand hide it, the chances are likely that they will stay undetectedfor long periods of time, and this will give you up to date news onall of the enemy's technological advancements, which is the onlything you can really hope to gain with the spy at this stage of thegame anyway.

At the end of the game, that same 0.4% of galactic spending willoften buy you a chance of multiple inserts per turn and more thanlikely it will buy you lots of successes per turn if you do succeedand you are significantly ahead of the enemy in Computersresearch.

At no point in the game is it really worth spending huge amountson spying, because if it will be successful at all it is likely tobe successful at a very low cost to you anyway.

Not only that, but you slow down your own Computers research byspending huge portions of galactic resources on spying. It isbetter to spend the same 10% of galactic resources on learning thehighest level Computers technology that you have available and thenyou are better off both technologically AND in terms of spying,even though you only have a spending of 0.4% on the spy bar.


Essentially speaking, all spending above 0.4% of resources perrace is pretty much a waste at all stages of the game and doesnothing but harm you pretty much ever. It makes you worse offtechnologically and in producing warships and missile defenses and,generally speaking, the gain of adding more is negligibleregardless what stage you are at in the game.

Note: Pro Tip Material - If you are the type and patient, youcan mostly guarantee yourself spying success by saving the game andthen passing the turn with spies in the enemy empire and thenreloading the game if your spies don't succeed. This is all kindsof cheating and doesn't prove in any way that you are a goodplayer, but the option is available if you really want to have aspying success right at that moment.

Once you understand how the whole system works, it helps to geta little better understanding of how it plays into galacticpolitics.

One thing you generally want to be aware of is that a failure isalways really really bad. Maybe not end of the game threateningbad, but often times it is really end of the game threatening bad.If you are hanging on by a thread anyway, spying can be the biggestcurse in the world or the biggest blessing in the world.

By curse, it means that it can quickly turn good situations intohopeless ones and bad situations into worse ones. It is really easyto get your allies to turn on you by spying on them. The onlyreally safe thing to do is to spy on those races you are already atwar with because it probably can't make them hate you any less.

The last thing you want is to be in a galactic 3 on 3 and thento find yourself kicked off of your team and flying solo against a3 way alliance and another 2 way alliance.


Such is what can really happen if you spy on your friends.

Computers will very often take this very personally and youshould really consider how important a relationship with a givencomputer civilization is with you. Losing a trade treaty and notbeing in the 'cool kids club' anymore in terms of having yourplanetary production juiced at the same level as all of the AIraces are, is the least of your concerns.

By Blessing, it mean that spying can save the unsavable game ifyou are really really really lucky. If there is one technology thatyou really really need in order to stay in the game and thecomputer has it, there might be no downside to trying to do whatyou can to get it, especially if it is not in your tech tree andthey owner of it won't give you a chance to trade *anything* forit.

Note: If you need a tech just to stay in the game, no tech istoo high of price to pay in exchange for it, it doesn't matter howbad of a deal it is for you, that is made up by how important it isto you. If you are being hit with death weapons bio toxin antidotecan be like this and if someone just declared war on you and youdon't have Class V Planetary Shields it might be worth it to tradeanything to get that as well. Putting all your hopes into spying isgenerally the absolutely last resort option.

These concerns are why it is difficult to play the Darloks. Youdon't want to be in a war because you have no production ortechnological advantages of note, so usually you won't have a groupthat is just made to spy on as with your enemy du jour. You areprobably also behind every AI civilization that really matters andyou don't want to be on their bad sides on a fail.

Some more pro tips:

Don't hope for too much in terms of framing success. The framingangle is often more fun than anything else. When you frame acomputer it often won't have the effect on their relationships thatyou are hoping for. Their alliances often wont break up because ofit. Often it will, but most of the time it probably won't.

The computers tend to have very high relations with their alliesbecause of how the diplomacy structure works. If two empires areboth at war with the same empire, they are likely to prettyinstantly reach the highest friendliness level possible on thechart due to the 'enemy of my enemy' clause. Most of the time, aspying fail will result in a huge worsening of relations, but ifthat doesn't drop you into into the red, say, because you are atthe highest levels of ally, then as long as you keep pounding theenemy you will probably jump right back to the highest levels offriendliness again.

Master of orion 2 spying

The drop in relations is worse every time it happens, butgetting these frames often enough to fracture an alliance is oftenreally hard to do when it really matters.

Even if the alliance splits, they will probably still both betag teaming you, because they probably still hate youanyway. The best you could hope is that they divert enoughresources to the other enemy that the pressure on you is lessenedenough that you can get by.

One of the best parts of framing is that you are guaranteed a'critical success' in terms of the original mission. There is nochance that your spy will be caught if a frame is successful andtheir access will always remain intact after a frame. Even withouta harming of relations this is still very good news.

Another thing, they might cancel trade treaties with each otherif you frame them often enough, and getting foreign civilizationsto quit trading with each other while still trading with you isvery very good. Even if the alliance remains intact, you couldbenefit this way.

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